Past Events (2020)
November, 2020

How to Boost Your Immune Resilience: Smart Strategies for Surviving Cold & Flu Season
Thursday, November 12, 2020, 7:00- 8:30 PM
Attend by live-stream only
Register via Zoom here
Maintaining a strong immune system is of course key to fending off infection and speeding recovery if you do become ill, but it’s never been more important than right now. That’s especially true for patients with chronic Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses, who are already contending with decreased immune function and increased vulnerability to infection. Fortunately, many of the best ways to bolster immune health are well within our control, to include certain dietary and lifestyle habits and herbal therapy. Please join us for an insightful presentation from Bill Rawls, MD, on using natural therapies and strategies to promote healthy immune function in the context of the current pandemic and cold and flu season.
Bill Rawls is an OB-GYN and leading expert in Lyme disease, integrative health, and herbal medicine. In the middle of his successful medical career, Dr. Rawls’ life was interrupted by Lyme disease. As he struggled to overcome it, he explored nearly every treatment possible – from conventional medicine to a range of alternative therapies. In the process, Dr. Rawls discovered a dearth of knowledge about Lyme disease in the medical community, and a shocking amount of controversy and confusion around causes, diagnosis, and treatment that left thousands of patients confused, unsupported, and chronically ill.
An avid reader and lifelong student, Dr. Rawls studied all of the research available on Lyme disease, and put everything he learned into practice in his own life. Ultimately, it was a combination of diet, lifestyle, and herbal therapy that resulted in his recovery. In the more than 10 years since, Dr. Rawls has helped thousands of patients find their path to healing from Lyme disease and chronic illness. He is the author of the best-selling book Unlocking Lyme, and the Medical Director of and Vital Plan, an online holistic health company and Certified B Corporation®.
October, 2020

Cognitive Behavior Intervention in Chronic Illness Management
Wednesday, October 7th, 2020, 7:00- 8:30 PM
Attend by live-stream only
Register via Zoom here
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a structured style of talk therapy (or psychotherapy) that focuses on changing maladaptive thinking and behavioral patterns to promote improved mood and wellness. CBT can be helpful in management of chronic health conditions by helping change thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to pain, fatigue, and other impacts of chronic health conditions. It can further help with stress management and improved coping strategies.
Pegah Touradji, PhD earned her doctorate from Columbia University. She completed post-doctoral fellowships in neuropsychology and rehabilitation psychology. She is an assistant professor in the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Johns Hopkins University. Her current research examines cognitive functioning in those with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). Clinically, she provides neuropsychological assessments to individuals with acquired or traumatic brain injury as well as those with neurological illnesses. She further provides psychological interventions to help with improved management of cognitive dysfunction through addressing related issues with sleep, fatigue, pain, and mood.
September, 2020

Lyme Disease: An Integrative Medicine Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
Wednesday, September 9th, 2020, 7:00- 8:30 PM
Attend by live-stream only
Register via Zoom here
This virtual event is sponsored by the Lyme Care Resource Center. Please join us for this discussion of an Integrative Medicine approach to Lyme disease. Dr. Rollow will provide an overview of Integrative Medicine, an ecological view of Lyme disease in the context of our microbiome, and a resulting approach to diagnosis and treatment. The presentation will incorporate a question and answer period for all registered participants. We encourage you to invite family, friends, and colleagues to this educational event.
Dr. Rollow received a BA in Psychology from Harvard University in 1973, an MD from Stanford Medical School in 1977, and an MPH from University of Michigan in 1986. He completed a residency in Family Medicine at Cook County Hospital in Chicago in 1980. He is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Board of Holistic and Integrative Medicine. He is Adjunct Professor in Family and Community Medicine at the University of Maryland, and formerly directed the University of Maryland Center for Integrative Health and Healing. He is the President of the Maryland Society for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Rollow directs and sees patients at Integrative Health Practices, LLC in Ellicott City, which integrates physician primary and consultative services with care by complementary practitioners ( He has a particular interest in cognitive and psychiatric disorders, including dementia (based on Dale Bredesen’s protocol), infectious (Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses), autism, and anxiety/depression (using nutrient and psychodynamic consultation).
Dr. Rollow directs and sees patients at Integrative Health Practices, LLC in Ellicott City, which integrates physician primary and consultative services with care by complementary practitioners ( He has a particular interest in cognitive and psychiatric disorders, including dementia (based on Dale Bredesen’s protocol), infectious (Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses), autism, and anxiety/depression (using nutrient and psychodynamic consultation).

4th Annual Update on Tick-Borne Disease: Keynote Talk by John Aucott, MD
Thursday, May 7, 2020, 7:00- 8:30 PM
Attend by live-stream only
Register via Zoom here
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are going virtual with our 4th Annual Update on Tick-Borne Disease. Please join us via LIVE STREAM ONLY for a keynote talk by Dr. John Aucott, MD, Director of the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center and Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month and the spring tick season is upon us. There is no better time to stay informed on important topics in Lyme disease.
Please join us for this valuable opportunity to learn from a renowned expert in the field about the latest in Lyme disease and tick-borne disease, including signs and symptoms, diagnostics, treatments, prevention tips, risk factors, research progress, and future outlook, including the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on Lyme disease and tick-borne disease diagnosis and management. Dr. Aucott’s leading-edge research program gives us hope for a brighter future. We encourage you to invite family, friends, and colleagues to this educational live stream only talk. Helping expand knowledge to others is a great way to have an impact during Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
February, 2020

Natural Therapies for You to Help Manage Chronic Lyme
Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 7:00- 9:00 PM
Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center
Angelique Geay Conference Room
1525 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville, MD 21104
Casey Potocki received his acupuncture master’s degree from TAI SOPHIA Institute in 2011 and has since spent much of his time living in China and Florida. His time in Florida included spending 3 years on and off as a patient at Lifeworks Wellness Center getting well from chronic Lyme using natural therapies. Prior to his master’s degree Casey worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers in business systems software and graduated from Villanova with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and economics. Exciting therapies have emerged that help manage chronic Lyme disease. Introduced therapies/topics here include, but are not limited to: nutrients, oxygen, energy, the keys to life; Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy; Ozone Therapy; Saunas; Float Therapy; Food allergies and treatment with AET; Diet and a food demo. Come join us for a few hours of fun and learning about what you can do naturally to treat yourself to some relief from your chronic Lyme symptoms!